Harry Potter Team

4 min readFeb 25, 2021

If you are reading this message you were exclusively invited to participate in this potentially record breaking Harry Potter expirement.

We reached out exclusively to Harry Potter Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts that had high following and active engagement.

Congratulations to all of you who established an active following of this size. It was a lot of hard work, but you’ve kept the magic and spirit of the Harry Potter Series alive and well. Thank you!

Please do not share the following details with with your followers as it contains information on timelines that are meant to be surprises throughout 2021.

2021 Goals (Extremely Achievable)

  1. Work together to create the largest, Worldwide, online community of 10 million Harry Potter fans by August 2021. 3.8 million by March 15th.
  2. Work as a team instead of competing on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook for user attention. This eliminates the need for buying ads, followers or engagement on any platform! A centralized HQ for Potter fans!
  3. Engagement is starting to slow down on mainstream social media platforms. As a United Harry Potter Union, we will provide a central location for all of our following to connect and reconnect.

How will this work?

  1. The gathering location.

Friendster.io/HarryPotter is a new verified page created on Feb 23, 2021. FriendsterIO is an auto followed page when users first join the platform. Every new user grows the page!

As you can see the URL is friendster.io/HarryPotter.

This means FriendsterIO is wide open to claim any Harry Potter themed url you want! If it’s taken already the FriendsterIO Team will reclaim it for you! Perfect opportunity to rebrand if you don’t love your Twitter, Instagram or Facebook names.

Upcoming Deadline:

All participants need their pages, profiles or both created no later than March 5th. This will take approximately 10 minutes for the FriendsterIO Team to upgrade and blue check verify your accounts. Please do it as early as possible. Don’t forget to add your social media links to your profiles! Take advantage of FriendsterIO to grow your other accounts!

2. Everyone who participates building this page will be given blue check verified, pages and accounts.

Accounts will be upgraded to boost page and profile post across the platform for free.

Boosted pages are seen by all FriendsterIO users. FREE advertisement for you!

All boosted post are seen by the FriendsterIO platform. Again, free for you.

No more ad spending!You’ll have full access to post on Friendster.io/HarryPotter to post about your giveaways, events etc. 10+ MILLION Potterheads in one location!

3. Your Profiles/Pages will be in pinned at the top of HarryPotter page. This will show the FriendsterIO Harry Potter Community who the must follows are. The more everyone pitches in inviting their following, everyone benefits! As the platform grows your following grows. Again, make sure you have your social media links in your profiles!

18MAR21 Surpise #1

We invested and paid 13 Harry Potter Cast members to deliver shout outs to the FriendsterIO Harry Potter Community. This video will be uploaded 18 March. That gives us all 2 weeks after account creation deadline to grow the page together. media packages will be provided (preferred), but not required.

We have to create a massive buzz together!

More surprises will be discussed when we confirm you are on-board with the plan and account is setup on FriendsterIO.

To create your free accounts


Create Page (not mandatory)


First post needs to be @nocensor so the Team can find you more quickly.

Rest of details provided once you join.

